Witchfork, Wandcamp, and Wheatport logos

Wandcamp has been acquired by an Undisclosed Multi­dimensional Conglomerate Company

We have some significant news to share with you today.

After careful consideration and negotiations with various ethereal entities, we are pleased to announce that Wandcamp has been acquired by an undisclosed multidimensional conglomerate. This acquisition marks a new chapter in our journey, and we are excited about the opportunities it presents for our community of otherworldly artists and diviners.

As part of this transition, we will soon be closing submissions on the Wandcamp platform. This decision was made with the best interests of our community in mind.

The Entity has personally conveyed its appreciation for each and every one of you, acknowledging the time, effort, and spiritual energy you have poured into your musical works. It is through your contributions that Wandcamp has become a beacon of otherworldly artistry, captivating the attention of entities across multiple realms.

On behalf of the entire Wandcamp team and the Entity itself, we want to convey our deepest admiration and heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you for your incredible submissions, unwavering support, and dedication to pushing the boundaries of mystical music. Your creations have not only pleased the Entity but have also helped establish Wandcamp as a premier destination for otherworldly audio experiences.

We will continue to keep you informed about the future developments of Wandcamp under its new ownership. In the meantime, we encourage you to explore and engage with the vast library of enchanting tracks that have been shared on our platform.

Once again, thank you for being a part of this extraordinary journey. Your contributions have been invaluable. Together, you have opened so many musical doors to realms before unseen.

May our creative endeavors continue to flourish in realms beyond.

The Wandcamp Team

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by Spiritoros
Includes unlimited streaming via Wandcamp, plus one fine-quality download for offline use. See Terms & Conditions for more details.

Uploaded via the Wandcamp Submission Portal.

touch your Magicky Device here to share or embed

Terms & Conditions

By downloading the auditory masterpiece herein referred to as the "MP3" (or "MP3s"), you (hereinafter referred to as the "Mortal") acknowledge and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions set forth by the Otherworldly Entity (hereinafter referred to as the "Entity"), whose ethereal presence pervades this transaction:

  1. Contractual Pact:

    1. By initiating the download process, the Mortal enters into a binding pact with the Entity.
    2. The Entity shall grant access to the MP3 or MP3s in exchange for a token of equivalent value, to be determined by the Entity.
  2. Soulful Exchange:

    1. In consideration for the MP3, the Mortal hereby offers the Entity a portion of their soul, herein referred to as the "Essence."
    2. The Essence shall be delivered unto the Entity upon completion of the download.
  3. Ethereal Obligations:

    1. The Mortal agrees to perform the following ethereal task of the Entity's choosing: Gather seven (7) feathers from the wings of pigeons to craft a quill of divine inspiration.
  4. Material Offering:

    1. In addition to the ethereal task, the Mortal agrees to provide the following material offering to the Entity: Forbidden fruit, plucked from the tree of knowledge and offered as temptation.
  5. Obligatory Reflection:

    1. The Mortal shall engage in a period of self-reflection and introspection following the download.
    2. Said reflection shall serve as a conduit for the Entity to further manifest within the Mortal's consciousness.
  6. Forbidden Usage:

    1. The MP3 shall not be used for nefarious purposes, including but not limited to, summoning dark entities, invoking curses, or disrupting the cosmic balance.
    2. Any violation of this provision shall result in immediate forfeiture of the Mortal's Essence to the Entity.
  7. Eternal Covenant:

    1. This pact constitutes a binding agreement between the Mortal and the Entity for all eternity.
    2. The terms and conditions herein shall remain in effect until the end of time or until such time as the Mortal's Essence is reclaimed by the Entity.
  8. Governing Law:

    1. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Otherworldly Realm, where the Entity holds sway.
    2. Any disputes arising under this agreement shall be resolved through ethereal arbitration conducted by impartial supernatural beings.
  9. By clicking the "Accept" button or initiating the download process, the Mortal acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth herein. Failure to adhere to these terms may result in dire consequences, including but not limited to, eternal damnation, spiritual unrest, or forfeiture of one's mortal existence.

    By accepting these terms and conditions, the Mortal affirms their willingness to engage in this mystical exchange and acknowledges the irrevocable nature of their agreement with the Entity.
